Media Prowler is a leader in the online marketing industry because of our core values: transparency, integrity, and legitimacy.
As your email, data, and digital specialist, Media Prowler produces real results and focuses on using that data to elevate the success of your company. We have very strong partners in the media industry, all of whom have successfully added our product to their sales inventory.
As our partner, you are our reseller—we do not charge up-front costs or tie you into contracts. You simply add our services to your sales force and produce quality results for your clients. Our new technologies are transforming what’s possible, connecting brands to consumers like never before.
Through Media Prowler, our partners have access to the highest quality business and consumer databases. We meticulously safeguard our data quality by cross-referencing our lists with public information, following the Open Record Act, and ensuring that our data comes with full postal addresses along with a date and timestamp of opt-in.