Media Prowler offers a full range of email solutions to fit your needs. We have access to over 95 million of the highest quality email addresses and can filter on any number of criteria, getting you to the target audience you want to reach!
SocialMail - Advertising on Facebook!
SocialMail provides you with the opportunity to reach your email recipients on Facebook as well! SocialMail matches email addresses in our database with current existing Facebook users and targets them with newsfeed display ads. We take care of all the hard work, and you see the benefits of reminding your recipients of your promotions and products!
TweetaMail - Advertising on Twitter!
TweetaMail offers the option of getting in front of your Email recipients on Twitter as well. TweetaMail matches email addresses in our database with current existing Twitter users and targets them with Twitter feed ads. Get the direct interaction that Twitter is deigned to give you with your customer base!
XenonMail - Advertising for the Web!
XenonMail helps you to reach your Email audience on the web in general! Banners Ads are used to get your message out in front of your intended audience to keep them engaged after they’ve received your email, don’t be forgotten!